The Fastest xxpress NGx qPCR Thermocycler thermal cycler system in the World
A 40 cycle qPCR is now possible in as little as 10 minutes.
With a thermal ramp rate of up to 10°C per second, the xxpress® NGx is the fastest, real-time thermal cycler in the world, delivering a 40 cycle qPCR in as little as 10 minutes. Whilst not all PCR chemistries can run ultra-fast protocols on the xxpress® NGx, there are a number of chemistries available that are ultra-fast compatible and will reliably achieve 40 cycles in 10 minutes.
With ultra-low thermal mass and high conductivity, xxpress® NGx’s patented resistive heating system delivers its performance more efficiently and with greater accuracy than traditional based solutions.
xxpress NGx qPCR thermocycler thermal cycler system Provides Outstanding Return on Investment (ROI)
The xxpress® NGx system enables the optimal use of reagents and staff time. This significantly reduces the cost-per-test, making it Best in Class. With cycle times as little as 10 minutes, 5 experiments can be completed per hour, that’s more than 40 in a single shift.
The touch screen and built-in, windows embedded computer enables the xxpress® NGx to be completely self-contained. There’s no need for an external computer, monitor or keyboard.
Faster, more accurate temperature cycles mean that one xxpress® NGx can do the work of up to 6 standard qPCR thermal cyclers. With a foot print of only 300 mm wide by 590 mm deep, the xxpress® NGx saves bench space and minimises laboratory overheads.
Fast test cycles can lead to shorter development programs, products being released earlier and revenues being received sooner. The xxpress NGx qPCR thermocycler thermal cycler system really is the perfect, qPCR thermal cycler for a modern laboratory.
A Range of xxplate Volumes Ensures Optimum Reagent Use
xxplates are available in a range of sizes: 24, 54 and 96 wells. They have been designed around a standard form factor and are therefore interchangeable. The xxpress® NGx will recognise which plate size has been inserted and in which orientation, adjusting the layout of your results accordingly. Our range of plate sizes cover sample volumes from 1µl to 40µl, allowing optimal use of reagents and minimising the cost-per-test. Our 24 and 96 well plates are set on a standard pitch, compatible with auto pipetting systems.
Intuitive User Interface Designed by Biotechnologists for Biotechnologists
Built-in MIQE support and an intuitive interface.
The xxpress NGx qPCR thermocycler thermal cycler system has an intuitive, touch screen user interface that has been designed to mimic the way a biotechnologist would develop their experiments. The software guides the user through the experiment set-up, selecting the chemistry utilised, PCR type, plate format and thermal profile. It even provides guidance based on the MIQE recommendations for experiment design.
Thermal profiles are provided for a variety of reagent kits, which can be simply adjusted if required. The xxpress® NGx displays amplification and melt curves as they develop so the user can see their data collecting in real-time. Results can be exported in two formats, RDML and ExcelTM, enabling simple analysis.
All previous protocols and run results are stored on the xxpress® NGx. These can be accessed from the home screen via the ‘Saved experiments’ and ‘Analysis’ tabs respectively.
The Most Thermally Accurate qPCR Thermal Cycler in the World
Thermal Uniformity of ±0.3°C across all samples during cycling.
To enable a thermal uniformity of ±0.3°C across all the samples during cycling, the xxpress® NGx uses an array of highly accurate infrared sensors to determine the temperature of the samples. A patented control algorithm measures the temperature 100 times a second and adjusts the heating patterns 25 times a second. This ensures that thermal uniformity within the samples is better than ±0.8°C during ramping and ±0.3°C at static temperatures. This accuracy makes sure that all the samples across the plate experience the same thermal profile; creating consistent and comparable results from sample-to-sample, and from assay-to assay.
The xxpress NGx Direct Resistive Heating System
By using the xxplate consumable as the resistive heating element in a very low voltage circuit, we can direct and deliver precise amounts of heat. xxplates are available in 24, 54, and 96 well formats, they are completely interchangeable requiring no hardware modification. The system for heating uses a number of discrete power supplies to pass currents through the xxplate via a number of different routes, thus giving multi-zone heating control and ensuring heat is delivered precisely where it is required.